
By Think Positive, Get Positive on 3:45:00 PM

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SWITCH statement

The switch expression must be of an integers, such as char, byte, short, ushort, int or any type of string. Thus the floating point expressiond are not allowed. The case constants must be literals of a type compatible with the expression. Two case constants in the came switch cannot have identical values. The default statement is executed if no case constants matches the expression. The default statement is optional..

Program Demonstrates the switch statement

using system;
class demoswitch
public static void Main()
{ int i;
for(i=0; i<6;i++)
case 0:
Console.WriteLine("i is zero");
Case 1:
Console.WriteLine("i is one");
Case 2:
Console. WriteLine("i is two");
case 3:
Console.WriteLine("i is three");
case 4:
Console.WriteLine("i is four");
Console.WriteLine("i is five or than more than five");

i is zero
i is one
i is two
i is three
i is four
i is five or more than five

By Think Positive, Get Positive on 5:03:00 PM

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By Think Positive, Get Positive on 11:52:00 AM

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Bool Type:

  • Bool is a data type which is to represent the true or false value in C#.
  • The Bool type variables or expressions will be true or false.
  • Unlike other programming Languauges, there is no conversion between the bool and integers in C#.
Program using bool type

using system;

class exbool
public static void Main()
bool b;
b= false;
Console.WriteLine("b is"+ false);
b = true;
Console.WriteLine("b is "+ true);
Console.WriteLine("It is executed");

b= false;
Console.WriteLine("It is not executed")
Console.WriteLine("100>99 is"+(100>99))



b is false
b is true
It is executed
100>99 is true

By Think Positive, Get Positive on 11:00:00 AM

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Decimal is the data type utilizes 128 bits which represents within the range 1E-28 to 7.9E+28. It can accurately represents upto 28 decimal places.

Program using Decimal type to compute a discount

using system;

Class discounts

public static void Main()
decimal price;
decimal discount;
decimal disprice;

price = 16.0;
discount = 0.10
disprice = price - (price*discount);

Console.WriteLine("The Discounted Price : $"+ disprice);


The Discounted Price:$ 14.4


Program using Decimal to compute a future value

using system;

class futurevalue

public static void Main()


decimal amount;
decimal rateofreturn;
int i, years;
amount = 1000.0;
rateofreturn = 0.07;
years = 10;

Console.WriteLine( "Original Investment:$"+amount);
Console.WriteLine("Rate of Retun:$"+ rateofreturn);

for(i=0;i<=years;i++) { amount = amount+(amount*rateofreturn); Console.WriteLine("The Future Value:$"+amount); } } } Output:

Original Investment : $1000
Rate of return : $0.07
Over 10 Years

The Future Value : $ 1967.15135728956532249000


goto BOOL

By Think Positive, Get Positive on 4:16:00 PM

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Double is one of the floating point type which represents the double precision numbers. Double is 64 bits wide and has an approximate range of 5E-324 to 1.7E + 308. Many of the math function in C# class library uses Double.

Program to find the radius of Circle using the math function math.sqrt

using system;
class circle
public static void Main()
Double area;
Double radius;
area = 10.0;
radius = math.sqrt(area/3.14);
Console.WriteLine("The radius of Circle:" + radius);


The radius of Circle: 1.78412203012729

Program using math.sin, math.cos, math.tan

using system;
class trignometry
public static void Main()
Double theta;
for(theta=0.1; theta<=1.0; theta=theta+0.1) { Console.WriteLine("sine of"+theta+"is"+ math.sin(theta)); Console.WriteLine("cosine of"+theta+"is"+math.cos(theta)); Console.WriteLine("tangent of" +theta+"is"+math.tan(theta)); } } } Output:

Sine of 0.1  is 0.0998334166468282
Cosine of 0.1 is 0.995004165278026
Tangent of 0.1 is 0.100334672085451

Sine of 0.2 is 0.198669330795061
Cosine of 0.2 is 0.980066577841242
Tangent of 0.2 is 0.202710035508673

Sine of 0.3 is 0.29552020666134
Cosine of 0.3 is 0.955336489125606
Tangent of 0.3 is 0.309336249609623


goto decimal

By Think Positive, Get Positive on 3:11:00 PM

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  • C# defines nine integer types and they are char, byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long and ulong.
  • The bit width and ranges of integers are shown below
TYPE --------------- WIDTH in bits ----------------RANGE
  1. byte ------------------------- 8 -------------------------0 to 255
  2. sbyte------------------------- 8 -------------------- -128 to 127
  3. short -------------------------16---------------- -32768 to 32767
  4. ushort----------------------- 16--------------------------- 0 to 65535
  5. int ----------------------------32---------- -2147483648 to 2147483647
  6. uint --------------------------32 --------------------------- 0 to 4294965295
  7. long-------------------------- 64-------- 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
  8. ulong ------------------------64 -----------------------------0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Program using Long variable for large signed values:

using system;
class inch
public static void Main()
long mile;
long inch;
mile = 93000000;
inch = mile*5280*12;
Console.WriteLine("The distance to the Sun:"+inch+"inches");


The distance to the Sun: 5892480000000 inches

Program using byte to control the for loop that produces the summation of the number 100

using system;
class using_byte
public static void Main()
byte x;
int y;
Console.WriteLine("The sum of 100 is "+y);


The sum of 100 is 5050

goto Double
