By Think Positive, Get Positive on 10:14:00 PM
Filed Under: New Ring Around the Saturn discovered by CASSINI Spacecraft

Courtesy:NASA/Space Science Institute
Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system with an equitorial diameter of 74,130 miles and is the sixth from the Sun. The atmosphere of the Saturn is primarily composed of Hydrogen with little amount of methane and helium. It is the only planet which is less dense than water. The rings of the planets makes it looks beautiful planet in our solar system. It has 30 named satellites.

Recently NASA spacecraft CASSINI discovered the new ring which is around the Saturn. CASSINI entered the saturn's orbit in July,2004 and also revealed the amazing features of Ringed planet such as whispy fingers of icy materials stretching out the tens of thousands of milles from the Enceladus(Moon of Saturn).
Saturn Ring system is divided into Seven, each named by the letters of Alphabet from the innermost to outermost and the divisions are D,C,B,A,F,G and E. The new ring of the Saturn is flimsy in feature, visible outside the brighter main rings and found inside the G and E. It coincides with the orbit of saturns moons are Janus and Epimetheus. Scientists expected meteoroid impacts on the two moons could kick off moon particles and inject them into Saturn's orbit. But they were surprised to find such a distinct ring structure in that region.
In the latest observations, scientists once again see the bright ghost-like spokes - transient, dusty, radial structures -streaking across the middle of Saturn's main rings.

Recently NASA spacecraft CASSINI discovered the new ring which is around the Saturn. CASSINI entered the saturn's orbit in July,2004 and also revealed the amazing features of Ringed planet such as whispy fingers of icy materials stretching out the tens of thousands of milles from the Enceladus(Moon of Saturn).
Saturn Ring system is divided into Seven, each named by the letters of Alphabet from the innermost to outermost and the divisions are D,C,B,A,F,G and E. The new ring of the Saturn is flimsy in feature, visible outside the brighter main rings and found inside the G and E. It coincides with the orbit of saturns moons are Janus and Epimetheus. Scientists expected meteoroid impacts on the two moons could kick off moon particles and inject them into Saturn's orbit. But they were surprised to find such a distinct ring structure in that region.
In the latest observations, scientists once again see the bright ghost-like spokes - transient, dusty, radial structures -streaking across the middle of Saturn's main rings.
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