C# Keywords

By Think Positive, Get Positive on 3:25:00 PM

Filed Under: , , , ,


  • There are 77 keywords are defined in C# language. They are combined with the syntax of operatorsand seperators, form the definition of C# language.
  • These keywords cannot be used as a name for any class, variables and namespaces.

List of Keywords:

  1. abstract
  2. as
  3. base
  4. bool
  5. break
  6. byte
  7. case
  8. catch
  9. char
  10. checked
  11. class
  12. constant
  13. continue
  14. decimal
  15. default
  16. delegate
  17. do
  18. double
  19. else
  20. enum
  21. event
  22. explicit
  23. extern
  24. false
  25. finally
  26. fixed
  27. float
  28. for
  29. foreach
  30. goto
  31. if
  32. implicit
  33. in
  34. int
  35. interface
  36. internal
  37. is
  38. long
  39. lock
  40. namespace
  41. new
  42. null
  43. object
  44. operator
  45. out
  46. override
  47. params
  48. private
  49. protected
  50. public
  51. readonly
  52. ref
  53. return
  54. sbyte
  55. sealed
  56. short
  57. sizeof
  58. stackalloc
  59. static
  60. string
  61. struct
  62. switch
  63. tis
  64. throw
  65. true
  66. try
  67. typeof
  68. uint
  69. ulong
  70. unchecked
  71. unsafe
  72. ushort
  73. using
  74. virtual
  75. volatile
  76. void
  77. while

goto Variables

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