C# Keywords
By Think Positive, Get Positive on 3:25:00 PM
Filed Under: C sharp keywords, C# keywords, csharp keyword list, list of c# keywords, list of keywords
- There are 77 keywords are defined in C# language. They are combined with the syntax of operatorsand seperators, form the definition of C# language.
- These keywords cannot be used as a name for any class, variables and namespaces.
List of Keywords:
- abstract
- as
- base
- bool
- break
- byte
- case
- catch
- char
- checked
- class
- constant
- continue
- decimal
- default
- delegate
- do
- double
- else
- enum
- event
- explicit
- extern
- false
- finally
- fixed
- float
- for
- foreach
- goto
- if
- implicit
- in
- int
- interface
- internal
- is
- long
- lock
- namespace
- new
- null
- object
- operator
- out
- override
- params
- private
- protected
- public
- readonly
- ref
- return
- sbyte
- sealed
- short
- sizeof
- stackalloc
- static
- string
- struct
- switch
- tis
- throw
- true
- try
- typeof
- uint
- ulong
- unchecked
- unsafe
- ushort
- using
- virtual
- volatile
- void
- while
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