

  • C# was created at Microsoft at late 1990's and its alpha version had been released in the middle of 2000. C# was developed by Anders Hejlsberg. C# is directly related to C, C++ and JAVA. Because these three Languages are most widely used programming languages in this Planet.
  • C# is pronounced as see sharp. It is easy, modern, type safe and object oriented programming Language.
  • includes IDE(Interactive Development Environment), Visual Designers(Web and Windows Applications), Compiler a,d a debugger.
  • C#.Net is a part of Visual Studio.Net.
  • Visual Studio.Net is the product of Microsoft that also supports Visual Basics.Net, Visual C++.Net and Java Scripting Languages.
  • All the above mentioned languages provide access to the .Net Framework. It includes Common Language Runtime and Rich Class Libraries called Base Class Libraries.
Functions of Common Language Runtime:
  • Common Language Runtime is abbreviated as CLR. It manages the Execution of .Net.
  • While compiling the C# program, the output of the compiler is not exe file. Instead, it is a file contains the special type of Pseudocode called MSIL.
  • MSIL is Microsoft Intermediate Language defines a portable assembly language.
  • Here, MSIL is turned into Executable file by activating the JIT compiler. JIT is called Just In Time.
  • When a .Net program is executed, the CLR activates the JIT compiler. JIT will be converted the MSIL into Native code. Thus, C# program executes as native code even though it is initially compiled into MSIL.
Features of CLR:
  • Managed code
  • Automatic Application Installation
  • Memory Management
  • Automatic Garbage Collection
  • High level of security while execution
Class Libraries:
  • Class Libraries Works with any Languages under the under the common Language Runtime environment.
  • So, the .Net programmer can easily be shifted to one .net Language another convenient .Net Language.
  • CLS stands for Common Langauge Specification.
  • CLS describes set of features that all langauges have in common. It includes subset of CTS.
  • CTS stands for Common Type System which is used to define the rules concerning tha data types. And the C# supports both the CLS(Common Language Specification) and the CTS(Common Type System).
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